"Cats Don't Dance" is a delightful animated feature in the style of a 1930's musical comedy. The main character, Danny (voiced by Scott Bakula), is a high-spirited cat from Kokomo, Indiana who goes to Hollywood with dreams of becoming a movie star. But there he finds limited roles available for animals. The story is a sly message about discrimination. The imagery is bright and the music is catchy. The villainess is a wonderful Darla Dimple, a Shirley Temple parody of a child star with a dark side. Together with her monstrous manservant Max, they provide many laughs. Other funny animals include Tilly the Hippo (voiced by Kathy Najimy) and T.W. the Turtle (voiced by Don Knotts). So "Cats Don't Dance" is an enjoyable movie for everyone!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Wow! What a fun movie! I love "Cats Don't Dance" with a passion. I found it so refreshing to see animation like this after such a long string of Disney films so bent on realism. Here, the animation is cartooney, way-overblown, and UNBELIEVABLY manic! The story is wonderfully carried out with anthropomorphic animal characters (something you don't often see in features), and the uplifting message is catching. It's very entertaining and very funny! I recommend you view "Cats Don't Dance" while feeling very energetic. Otherwise, it'll just make you tired. Probably not everybody's cup of tea, but it sure is MINE! An enthusiastic 10/10 stars!
P.S. Did you know that Scott Bakula can sing? He sure can!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Having grown slightly weary of Disney's modern formula, I was pleasantly surprised to find an animated movie that didn't try to be something BIG. The formula was fresh and original, despite the fact that the premise is as old as time, and the songs were jazzy and finger snapping. All in all, this was a fun movie. Fun and high energy. There was also not one single weak character. No stupid sidekicks here. Everybody makes the experience enjoyable. And the humor is priceless. They also managed to make the story thoughtful and even touching while still keeping the movie light and fun. Great direction. Great music. Great animation. Overall, just a great movie. Surprising for a WB movie. This movie came out the same year as Disney's own Hercules, but this is many times better.